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This is a delightfully refreshing blend of Chinese Pinhead Gunpowder tea with the cooling flavours of peppermint and spearmint.


Fresh peppermint, and the slightly sweeter notes of spearmint combine to make a tea that is fresh and balanced.


Maghrebi mint tea is prepared normally with sugar, traditional to the Greater Maghreb region. It has since spread throughout North Africa, parts of the Sahel, France and the Arab world. Now you can enjoy it posted to your door or from our shop in Arundel. Our blend is soothing yet invigorating, both cleansing and refreshing. This tea is perfect for any time of the day to rejuvenate and is traditionally served with sugar in decorative glasses to guests several times a day as part of local Moroccan culture. 

Allow one teaspoon to infuse for three minutes. This blend should be enjoyed without milk and with either sugar or a small spoon of honey for a more authentic taste.

Moroccan Mint

  • Chinese Pinhead Gunpowder Green Tea (50%), Mint (50%) (Peppermint, Spearmint)

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